SH027 – The Different Types of Nebulae
In Episode SH027 of Star Hopping… In this Star Hopping “Extra”, we’ll discuss the different types of Nebulae that you can find in your telescope, and explain the differences between them.
Alright, Let's Go Star Hopping!
Welcome to the Star Hopping Extras episode list. The following episodes discuss different topics than actual deep sky objects.
In Episode SH027 of Star Hopping… In this Star Hopping “Extra”, we’ll discuss the different types of Nebulae that you can find in your telescope, and explain the differences between them.
In Episode SH026 of Star Hopping… In this Star Hopping “Extra”, we’ll continue our Basic Astrophotography series. In this episode we’ll talk about all the equipment, setup, and procedures to perform prime focus astrophotography: the effort of connecting your DSLR camera to the main focus of your telescope.
In Episode SH024 of Star Hopping… In this Star Hopping “Extra”, we’ll continue our Basic Astrophotography series. In this episode we’ll talk about all the equipment, setup, and procedures to perform piggybacking astrophotography: the effort of using the telescope’s motion to capture astrophotos with your DSLR camera and lens.
In Episode SH022 of Star Hopping… In this Star Hopping “Extra”, we’ll start a new topic series – Basic Astrophotography. In this episode we’ll talk about the three basic methods in which you can capture astronomical images and targets with your DSLR camera, and give specifics about imaging using a fixed tripod.
In Episode SH021 of Star Hopping… We’ll be presenting another Star Hopping “Extra”: we’ll discuss the different types of Star Clusters that you can find in your telescope, how they might appear in your eyepiece, and explain the differences between them.
In Episode SH015 of Star Hopping… We’re presenting another Star Hopping “Extra”. This time, we’re presenting all the different types of galaxies, and how they might appear in your telescope. Within each type of galaxy, there are variations that could be confusing if you don’t know the characteristics of each.
In Episode SH011 of Star Hopping… Episode 11 of Star Hopping is out, and it’s exciting! Because there’s some much going on in the morning sky, we’re having a look at 5:30 AM. The most exciting target at that time is the new Comet Catalina!
In Episode SH008 of Star Hopping… This week’s episode completes our presentation on buying Telescopes for Beginners; kids or adults just getting started in the world of Amateur Astronomy.
In Episode SH007 of Star Hopping… The most recent episode of Star Hopping is out, and we’re taking a short break from the standard deep sky object location tutorials, and will have a look at buying Telescopes for Beginners; a kind of a Telescope Buyer’s Guide.