Digital Bookstore

Publications to help you Learn the Night Sky

Here in the Digital Bookstore, I have a variety of downloadable books and guides to help you learn about astronomy, better navigate the night sky, and find new and interesting deep sky targets, with your telescope or binoculars.

Your purchase of these digital products will help me sustain my creation process of the Star Hopping show and related materials. I don’t make any profit on my current endeavors, but I need funding to be able to continue. So please consider buying my products to increase your enjoyment and knowledge of astronomy, and to help Star Hopping at the same time! I thank you for your support.

eBooks and Field Notes

My digital offerings are categorized into two groups: longer Books and Field Notes Guides.


These digital books are collections of scripts and other material from my Star Hopping video series. These useful guides cover topics such as Basic Methods of Astrophotography, Different Types of Deep Sky Objects and guides to specific areas of the night sky. Also included is my Book “A Year of Star Hopping“, covering the best deep sky objects in the sky, throughout the year – a necessity to use beside the telescope.



For every one of my episodes of Star Hopping, I create a Field Notes document. These great reference guides are basically the script of the show, but I add images of the deep sky objects being presented. And even more importantly, I present the star charts annotated with the star hopping steps used to locate each object.  These guides are available individually, in Season Bundles, or by subscription.